A credit score doesn’t seem so scary, yet individuals should be aware of it. Stats show that 20% of people have at least one error on their report, and many not even realize. These errors could easily result in people having to spend more than they should on insurance. People have to look at their credit reports for any mistakes and know what it translates to. The higher the number, the better, but some don’t know what their score means. Here are three websites that could be utilized in learning and following their credit report – Our Top Three picks:
Identity Guard
This website is for those that want just the basic score from their credit reports. It costs $15 monthly to get all access to the three credit agencies and to see every report. New users can try it for free 30 days. Identity Guard also has a mobile app that is easy and not fancy. Yet it gives a rundown of the credit scores and the reasons for that number, giving the user an idea on what they can do to improve it. Its dashboard is easily viewable and explains in detail how protocol works in credit disputes, how much time it will take, and what clients could do if no response is given in 30 days.
FICO is the acronym for The Fair Isaac Corporation, a large company that handles thousands of credit scores. For $30 per month, myFICO adds an extra level of quality and assurance for those who want to keep an eye on their credit score. One of its best qualities is that it breaks down the credit report, labeling the payment and credit history from poor to exceptional. It also has a “Score Simulator,” which gives users the chance to play “what if…” based on their credit report for any plans in getting loans or a mortgage. It also provides the protocol on disputing a report and helps spot out a drastic change in details that could mean credit fraud. Identity theft happens all too often, and myFICO continuously checks for those illegal websites that sell personal information and gives alerts to clients.
With customer service that is 24/7, myFICO is beneficial for those who like a close eye on what is happening.
Identity Force
For $24 per month, here is another site that gives users the basics in keeping track of their credit reports and how they can be improved. Supervision of reports, transactions, and possible identity theft are included, plus the special simulation on possible scores in the event of certain events when wanting a loan.
Credit score watching may seem tedious and confusing, but it doesn’t have to be with these websites. Each dollar counts and each number on the credit report too. Be aware of everything and keep track of what you are spending on. And be aware of if you’re the next victim of identity theft. It is quite common that people miss this. It will hurt them financially in the long run.