We all know how important credit scores are and how they can affect us. Your credit score can affect the interest you have to pay on loans and your rates when financing something new. So, when you find some negative items on your credits report, you must take action. If you find any negative listings that your feel are unverifiable, you must not ignore them. These negative items will eventually pile on top of each other and drag your credit score down with them. Legally you have every right to dispute any negative item that you feel is unjustifiable, or unverifiable.
What Can Bad Credit Do?
Credit scores range from 300 to 850. A bad credit score is generally in the low 600s. A bad credit score can get in the way of finding lenders. In most cases, lenders will outright reject you and turn you away. And the few lenders that are willing to lend to you will give you’re a high interest rate. It is no surprise that people with bad credit score have higher interest rates than those with good credit. Bad credit can also cause you to have higher monthly rates for your home and auto insurance. Not to mention, you will have a higher utility deposit. Overall, bad credit is very much like a storm cloud that hangs over you and prevents you from getting a reasonable interest rate.
How to Fix Bad Credit
The best way to repair your bad credit is to begin going through your credit history and credit reports yourself. When going through your credit reports, you will find that the root cause of your bad credit is errors. That’s right! Most of the negative items causing your bad credit are just errors made on your credit report. Regardless of whether they are caused by reckless accounting, clerical errors, or mistaking you with someone else, these errors are costing you money and ruining you financially.
Fortunately, you can dispute the errors you find on your credit report. Once they have been found unverifiable, they will be omitted. Every eliminated error will repair your damaged credit score and bring your credit closer to its true score. Once all the errors have been corrected, all you have to do to maintain your true credit score is to manage your credit responsibly.
How We Can Help
Fixing your credit may sound relatively simple in practice, but may prove difficult. Finding errors on your credit report is a demanding task. It will demand a large amount of patience and hard work to find errors. The task only gets more challenging as more time has passed from when the error occurred. This is why Zinu Credit Repair is here for you!
We have credit experts that have experience finding credit report errors and disputing them. They will work hard to ensure that they are omitted so that your credit score can be repaired. Zinu Credit Repair will help you with all your credit score needs.
Get started on fixing your bad credit by calling us today for a free credit consultation! Out team of credit experts is devoted to helping you find your true credit score. Just call (800) 400-ZINU (9468).