How to Detect Identity Theft on Your Credit Reports

If you discover some information in your credit report that’s not yours, it could be the result of a file merger error. Statistics show that the majority of people have errors in their credit report. This implies that somebody else’s credit knowledge has been merged with yours.  It may sound awful. So, before you jump to conclusions it will be helpful to understand that there are two main types of incorrect information in your credit report. 

  1. Honest Mistakes: It can be due to a confusion of similar names between people. You were mistaken for someone else at some point during the data collection and dissemination process
  2. Major warning signs
    Another major reason of false information in your credit report is because someone has misused your personal or financial information to open accounts and commit fraud.
  3. If you see a credit card that was opened, quickly maxed out and then never paid in your Credit Report


  1. If you come across collections accounts, bankruptcies and liens you don’t recognize in your credit report it is a sign that something dubious is going on.

If you see one of these warning signs of identity theft, act quickly. You need to get this information off your credit reports,


Recovering From Identity Theft: Repairing Your Credit Reports

Have you been a victim of identity theft? Are you concerned about preventing the matter from occurring again?

Identity theft is a crime that will not only damage your reputation but also result in financial and emotional damage. If there are errors in your credit report you should :

  • make a complete list of the errors
  • Write a personalized letter for each incorrect credit report entry.
  • File a report with your local police department and ask them to provide you with an Identity Theft Report.
  • Collect documents that support your position that the entry is an error.

There are 2 straightforward and effective credit repair solutions.

  1. Request the credit bureaus to provide a warning system referred to as a Fraud Alert. A Fraud Alert may be a statement inserted into your credit report requesting prospective lenders to contact you before extending credit. However, Fraud Alerts don’t seem to be foolproof. A few lenders might ignore the alert and extend credit regardless.
  2. You can consult a credit monitoring company to fix your credit report. These services are able to warn you to any activity in your credit report together with inquiries. If somebody tries to use your identity you may be contacted in time to avert difficulty.

Any mistakes in your credit report should be taken very seriously. Failing to deal with them in a timely manner could make your financial life much harder.

To repair your credit report contact Zinu Credit  No upfront fees. Fees will be charged only after your Credit Record is cleared of theft identity.

You just need to send us a copy of your police identity theft report and we will take care of everything. We will, repair your credit report and get back all the benefits you deserve. We will also educate you on how you can identify identity theft. For FREE consultation Contact